Python developer and a Machine Learning Enthusiast
Competitive Programmer
Second year student at vvit
Python developer and a Machine Learning Enthusiast
Competitive Programmer
Second year student at vvit
A classic tic-tac-toe game in which we play agianst a computer which uses minimax algorithm to make it imposible to defeat. It has three modes Easy, Normal and Hard
Ever got stuck in solving a suduko? this project solves a suduko puzzle using a backtracking algorithm quickly and effectively.
Play the very old, famous and the classic snake and ladders game against a computer. This is my first CS project
Play Rock Paper Scissors game aginst a computer which recognizes your hand and move using Computer Vision and deeplearning.
A complete collection of my Deeplearning and machine learning projects.
A Game inspired from super mario and my first pygame project which involves a warrior(Player) and the task is to defeat a Goblin.